About Us

We are the emerging solution provider across all techical domains.

Generation Of Automation Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has been into existence since year 2015, started by a group of visionary innovators with strong technical knowledge and experience across every spectrum. We designed unique techical platform which will unite all technical people and we pledged to contribute towards green revolution in protecting our Earth for future generations in cost effective & environment friendly approaches in all aspects.

Our Mission

To address all technical concerns by providing innovative solutions and pledged to inject automation each and every sphere of the society.
Our Anthem is "Your Concern Is Our Innovation"

Our Values

  • Innovation


    Our innovational capability developed through Ability to understand Requirements, practical analysis, Innovative thinking, defined targets, strong techincal base, injecting automation and extensive research in technology. We are capable of thinking about innovation in every aspects of technology and are living through it.

  • Assured Delivery

    Assured Delivery

    Many thing happens around the world, but things that happen in time is remembered always & that gets a place in the history of success. There is no value to quality hard work if it doesn't happen in time and we are committed to count every nano second.

  • Ensure Quality

    Ensure Quality

    We believe Quality make our brand value. We are committed to provide best Quality by ensuring through our vast technical experience and fundamentally cultured to follow all Quality checklists.

  • Passion To Learn

    Passion To Learn

    It is learning that empowered us to do quality innovation in time, every time for betterment of society & humanity by providing pure clean green environment friendly technology.